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区域进出口总额:1、2月份进出口总额见底回升,实现较快增长。以人民币计,进出口总额288.940亿元,同比增长29.8%,占全市8.9%,15.完成年度任务的12%。其中,进口额188.460亿元,同比增长30.0%,占全市7.0%;出口100.490亿元,同比增长29.3%,占全市18.6%,完成年度任务16.75% 预计一季度,海淀区将实现进出口总额450亿元,其中出口150亿元。为实现2021年全区进出口总额1910亿元和出口总额600亿元的目标奠定了坚实基础。




限额以上商品销售额:1-2月,海淀区批发行业限额以上商品销售额1305.0亿元,同比增长27.7% . (租赁和商业服务行业,市场消费总量数据不可用。)

吸收外资:1-2月,新设外商投资企业45家,合同外资6.850亿美元,实际利用外资5.120亿美元,同比-年增长 30.77%。



商业执法检查:1-3月,共开展安全生产检查151次,查处安全隐患12项,通报发送企业7家,短信1800余条,微信100余条,投诉40件处理。有 50 次罚款;普通案件1件,罚款5000元。







落实菜湾街乡负责制和粮区长负责制。实行蔡湾街道主任负责制和市长负责制。原则上全区每个社区至少有1个20平方米以上的菜篮网,北方四镇每个镇试点建设3-5个40多平方米的村级菜篮网。平方米。 ,分解2021年各街道、乡镇菜篮子网点建设任务数量,组织各街道、乡镇带头落实辖区内菜篮子网点建设任务;同时,全面梳理辖区内20平方米以上蔬菜零售网点等基础便民服务商业网点情况,建立网点名称、服务网络图和台账,详细记录地址、经营情况等信息。区域、图片等,为下一步有针对性的工作打下基础。开展2021年海淀区社会粮食供需平衡调查和食用植物油供需平衡调查;对我区5家仓储粮食企业进行安全生产和防火检查,对7家在区外仓储经营的粮食企业进行联合检查。对2015年食品安全区长负责制落实情况进行自查,并以区政府名义起草自查报告报市粮食局。



抓好重点企业挖潜。 1-2月,证监会对社会消费总量50强企业和社会消费增速50强企业进行重点走访调研,了解重点企业发展方向、存在问题和增长预期。 ,全面梳理社会消费增长潜力,为下一步推动消费增长奠定基础。据分析,2021年零售额预计增加1亿元以上的企业约有18家,预计零售额净增长约76亿元。同时,与小米沟通了解2021年新品发布、预计销量、线下体验店开业遇到的困难。 据了解,小米计划2021年在全国开设200家线下门店,北京计划在全国开设200家线下门店。开设10多家门店。组委会将积极做好服务协调工作,为小米开设线下门店提供帮助。






加强执法检查。 “春节”和“两会”两个特殊关键时期,共派出检查人员140余人次,对全区规模以上商业零售企业约70家、500余家企业进行现场检查。两个会话的位置和交通路线沿线的米数。美国50家企业反复检查,确保节假日和关键时期安全稳定;在日常检查中,我委督促企业按照“行业安全、经营安全、生产经营安全”的原则规范日常检查。审查、投保安全生产责任保险,做好隐患排查工作,落实改革。区内商业安全生产形势稳步推进,重大事故发生得到有效预防和遏制。





(九)2021 年葡萄酒大奖的准备工作

顺利完成与布鲁塞尔国际组委会的协议签署,规划了大奖赛的原则、理念、主要目标和总体布局。一季度共组织调研、座谈、会议等21场次,对大奖赛工作思路和经营模式进行调研分析,不断收集完善大奖赛周边活动思路,汇聚智慧提升赛事水平。市商务委、市文化资源办、市国资委回复表示,将在赛事组织、经贸对接、产业园区建设等方面给予支持和帮助在龙辉厂区。积极探索市场化运作模式,初步拟定保荐合作方案。目前,京东、阿里巴巴、联想、今日头条、爱奇艺、美团点评、高德、经视传媒等企业均表达了合作意向,并进行了深入沟通。北嘉园和大觉寺实地考察,规划西山旅游骑行路线和活动计划,促进龙汇酒厂与大梅西山文化公司(北嘉园经营主体)在中法文化商务交流中的文化商务交流、酒窖旅游 深入开展景区建设合作北京海淀区专业从事外资公司变更,推动我区文化、商业、旅游融合发展。克服困难,积极筹备2021年5月5日至7日在西班牙巴利亚多利德举行的第24届葡萄酒大奖赛的接旗仪式、宣传片、主题日活动、全球新闻发布会和中国特色午餐。地区的影响。




从重点行业看,电信设备和互联网零售是决定我区社会消费增速的主要行业。 1-2月行业同比下降24.2%。从重点企业的预期来看,互联网企业销售波动较大。经过几年的快速发展,小米的增长速度有所放缓,渠道占比上升,网酒、天耀信息等企业增长不稳定。传统零售转型升级步伐缓慢,汽车行业继续面临限购限行等政策冲击。增长动力有限。 2021年消费促进形势较为严峻。











一是加强形势研判分析,聚焦比较消费结构、重点行业、重点商品、网络零售等变化,强化综合分析预测能力,为领导决策提供依据-制作。二是对现有重点企业进行分解,有关部门和下属街道镇加强跟踪服务,实施重点监测、重点帮扶、聚焦问题、精准施策,确保重点行业平稳增长。三是以区域重点企业名单为基础,挖掘高新技术产品销售潜力,鼓励智能家居、可穿戴设备、无人机等新兴消费产品快速发展,重点跟进联想(北京)电子科技有限公司、零智能、纳恩博平衡车等公司将培育具有巨大发展潜力的新零售企业;加强与碧水源电子商务有限公司的对接和服务,争取在海淀开展更多业务。四是推动高成长企业进一步发展。 2021年,50强企业实现零售额105亿元,同比增长260%。其中,规模过亿的科技企业有10家,主要集中在计算机、软件及辅助设备销售行业,以及机械设备和电子产品销售行业,虽然总量不大,但增长势头强劲。继续保持强劲。五是着力扩大服务消费,促进市场消费增长,进一步推动消费结构升级。加强服务消费领域研究,策划一系列服务消费宣传活动;引导和推动绿色消费、时尚消费、品质消费等新的消费增长点。六是加强对租赁、商务服务、批发等行业企业的研究和服务,了解企业发展现状,协调解决遇到的困难,为企业发展创造良好环境。


一是优化商业服务业空间布局。推动落实“十三五”期间商业服务业发展规划,满足居民消费和产业配套服务需求,重点在既定区域标准化和结构优化,扩大产业链和产业链比重。品牌运营,推动生活服务业“五化”发展。引导公主坟—五棵松、四季青、上地等重点商业集群转型升级和精细化发展,积极对接街道办,参与中关村街道配套商业规划推进,逐步构建与街道相适应的结构。区域发展定位。匹配“高精度”经济结构,满足多样化需求的现代商务服务体系。二是推进北部地区商业设施建设。针对北方科技园区、住宅小区等需求,加强连锁超市、便利店、大众餐饮等功能完善。以16号线开通为契机,推动商业企业与地铁站对接,打造地铁综合业务。 2021年拟深化与温泉农工商总公司的对接,将温泉中心D座建设成为集购物、休闲、餐饮、娱乐为一体的商业配套设施。


The first is to guide commercial enterprises to innovate and think and develop new types of consumption such as green consumption, fashion consumption, experience consumption, and quality consumption. Encourage commercial enterprises to adjust categories and formats based on their surrounding needs and their own positioning, and vigorously develop experience formats such as popular catering, children's formats, and theme living halls, to attract passenger flow, and promote the integrated development of commodity consumption and service consumption. Pay attention to the adjustment of Wukesong Blue Harbor and Zhongguancun Pedestrian Street (Shibao Street), ensure that the HI-UP IKEA order center is integrated, and coordinate relevant departments to support the transformation of the Zhonghaiyuan electronic market into a Decathlon sports store. The second is to actively develop "Internet +" and guide the integrated development of online and offline. Guide and cultivate the "Internet + Supermarket" and "Internet + Catering" models such as Multipoint and Xiaoyidaojia to promote the growth of traditional businesses while improving the convenience of residents' shopping. The third is to encourage direct cross-border e-commerce stores to enter shopping malls to guide consumption back. Support the development of the Blue Harbor Dongjiang Imported Commodity Experience Center, the Jingliang Plaza to the O2O Cross-border Commodity Experience Center, and the Jinyuan Yizhuang Bonded Direct Purchasing Center, cultivate new hot spots for regional consumption, and promote the upgrading and optimization of the consumption structure.

(四)Guide standard, build a distribution system compatible with e-commerce

In-depth promotion of terminal logistics into the community series, exploring how to organically integrate with the eight convenient service functions, continue to unite transportation, public security, urban management, and local streets, unblock and integrate, step by step, and improve the terminal joint distribution network to ensure Promote the construction of 100 terminal express service outlets each year. Secondly, on the basis of standardizing terminal service stations, fully mobilize the subjective initiative of streets and towns, guide and promote enterprises to establish 1-2 regional joint distribution centers in the district, and build a complete "distribution center + terminal distribution network." Level end distribution system. At the same time, it is planned to conduct a survey of the logistics industry in the whole district, and establish enterprise accounts for the warehousing and postal industries in the whole district, so as to lay a solid foundation for the next step of work.

(五)Policy guidance, use media influence to expand publicity coverage

Give full play to the guiding and leveraging role of financial funds, and actively strive for the support of the municipal commercial development funds and the municipal living service industry development funds, and at the same time, guide the streets and towns to make full use of community commercial funds and increase the number of outlets in the vegetable basket. To ensure the smooth and orderly progress of various tasks. Focus on supporting the outlets and enterprises that meet the requirements of the "five modernizations" and employ more Beijing nationals in areas with heavier tasks. Increase the publicity of support policies to enterprises through various channels, increase awareness, attract and mobilize more companies to participate in the construction of vegetable basket outlets; increase the publicity of the benefit-benefit policy to residents, through various vegetable basket outlet maps, food shopping guide maps, etc. In this way, community residents can understand the current situation of the surrounding vegetable shopping outlets and enhance their sense of acquisition; increase the publicity of work results to the society, establish a sound information sharing mechanism, regularly release the construction results of the whole district’s vegetable basket project, and create a good atmosphere of public opinion.

(六)According to the steps, steadily promote the improvement of market rectification in the whole district

Coordinate and coordinate the progress of market rectification and improvement in various streets and towns, and increase efforts to coordinate and promote the closure of key and difficult markets. In accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Commission of Commerce "more than half of the time, more than half of the task", our committee put forward the task of completing the four markets in the first half of the year. The specific promotion plan for the remaining markets is as follows: 1.永定路二街坊市场: The contract is signed until December 2021, and the street is scheduled to be closed at the end of November and cleared in December; 2.四季青爱家家居市场: Jijiqing Agriculture and Industry General Manager The company’s boiler plant has filed a lawsuit with the court because of the loopholes in the signing of the market contract. It intends to wait for the court to decide that the contract is invalid to prompt the market to shut down. The time is difficult to determine. The court hopes to provide the government with a document to shut down the market; 3.东升Town Mars Longxiang Market is scheduled to be closed and retired at the end of September; 4. Dongsheng Town Jianxiangqiao Agricultural and Sideline Market will be closed and retired merchants during the year and will be changed to a supermarket; 5.八里庄 Railway Public Security Morning Market is clearing as planned It is planned to complete 50% in the first half of the year.

(七) Focus on "five modernizations" to improve the level of community commercial service

First, scientifically analyze and plan the actual needs of the number and layout of community commercial service outlets in Haidian District, and increase the distribution density of outlets and improve service functions in accordance with the requirements of the quarter-hour service circle. The second is to effectively integrate and improve the functions of existing outlets, such as supplementing the functions in the existing service circle, encouraging convenience stores to carry various services such as terminal logistics, collection and payment, and housekeeping consultation, so as to achieve "one store with multiple functions". It can provide more one-stop services for surrounding residents. The third is to explore and support service model innovation. Produced a map for querying vegetable basket outlets in Haidian District, and published it on the website of our committee, and distributed a guide booklet of vegetable baskets to help residents find nearby standardized grocery shopping outlets more conveniently. Encourage traditional commercial enterprises to use electronic information technology platforms to carry out community services, give full play to the advantages of "Internet +" in serving the people's livelihood, and realize effective use of resources by supporting online and offline companies to set up offline experience stores and self-pickup points. The fourth is to standardize the stock and introduce chains as an important starting point for improving the overall service level of commercial outlets. Actively assist large-scale brand chain enterprises to settle in Haidian and support them to increase their network distribution in the region through direct operation or integration of small-scale retail outlets, especially in key areas around the area, through chain management Promote the standardization of outlets and improve service levels. The fifth is to build a government service platform to help companies connect resources and improve efficiency. By building a “vegetable joint mining platform” and organizing vegetable retail companies to directly connect with the base, not only the intermediate links are effectively reduced, but also the safe traceability of joint mining vegetable categories is realized due to the effective control of the source. The sixth is to concentrate efforts to build a number of regional community commercial centers, community commercial service demonstration blocks, etc., through their complementation and linkage with surrounding outlets, forming a demonstration effect, and radiating to drive the improvement of surrounding commercial outlets. The plan is to study and design a set of community commercial service index evaluation system, which will quantify and objectively evaluate the development level of commercial services in towns, towns and communities, and promote the development of community commercial levels.

(八)Expand opening up, comprehensively promote the steady growth of foreign trade and foreign trade

To study and formulate the "Haidian District's Comprehensive Reform Support Measures for Promoting the Expansion and Opening of the Service Industry", integrate our committee's existing headquarters, cross-border e-commerce, service outsourcing and other policies, appropriately increase service trade, foreign trade transformation and upgrading and other supporting content, and form policies Work together to comprehensively promote the steady growth of foreign trade. Intensify the call for the actual use of foreign capital by personnel, amount, and stages. In particular, follow-up calls for large-scale foreign investment projects should be carried out to ensure that everything should be done to avoid omissions. Guided by headquarters policies and foreign trade policies, encourage headquarters-based export companies to expand regional export amounts through value accounting; carry out pilot projects for foreign trade comprehensive service companies and innovative development of cross-border e-commerce, and use foreign trade transformation and upgrading demonstration bases and overseas engineering contracting companies Focus on guiding companies to improve their awareness of international risks and their ability to prevent risks. Continue to hold the "Beijing Trade Fair-Software and Information Service International Enterprise Matchmaking Conference" to further attract international industry organizations and buyers to participate in the conference with cross-industry integration as the core, and promote enterprises to exchange technology for orders to achieve a win-win situation; strengthen the evaluation of conference effects and track enterprises The situation of transactions and cooperation has further promoted the effectiveness of participating in the Beijing Fair. Exploit new forms of service outsourcing, encourage e-commerce, Internet marketing, maintenance services and other companies to register for business, and actively implement service trade credit insurance premium subsidies; it is planned to change the name of Haidian Service Outsourcing Enterprise Association to Haidian Service Outsourcing and Service Trade Enterprise Association. Based on the members of the association and the six major service trade demonstration bases, the statistics and promotion of service trade are carried out.

(九) Borrowing Power Contest to promote cultural, business and travel integration and industrial upgrading

In order to better publicize, display and promote Haidian to the world, and send invitations to the world, our district will not be afraid of the many challenges of holding activities abroad, and will send a delegation to participate in the Spanish Grand Prix in May 2021. Flag ceremonies and theme day activities. Relying on the Longhui Winery to build a wine cultural industry park, relying on Beijia Garden to build a base for Sino-foreign wine cultural exchanges, relying on the transformation and upgrading of villages around Daoxiang Lake such as Changle Village to build a wine culture tourism characteristic town, planning and launching "Wine +", etc. The series of activities add new momentum to regional social and economic development. Continue to improve the sponsor cooperation plan, actively integrate media resources, and extensively absorb all parties to participate in the organization, planning and implementation of the event.

(十)Innovative ways to promote the stability of safety production in the business industry

In the next step, our committee will strictly implement the various deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Municipal Party Committee, and the Municipal Government on safety production, adhere to the problem-oriented approach, use scientific and technological means to actively explore new methods and methods for safety supervision, and continue to consolidate the foundation for safety production. , To reduce all kinds of general safety accidents, resolutely curb the occurrence of major accidents, and create a safe environment for the harmonious development of the society and economy of the whole district. Taking the safety production month as an opportunity, we organized various forms of safety production warning education activities, carried out special inspections of the safety month, and urged enterprises to establish and improve the safety production responsibility system, which comprehensively improved the safety production prevention capabilities of the enterprise. In accordance with the plan for emergency drills in South, Central and North areas throughout the year, two emergency drills will be organized in Yuxiandu and Modern Mall in the second quarter, and business enterprises will be invited to visit and study, and conduct emergency drills for enterprises through practical drills. Training and guidance in rescue, escape and self-rescue, fire accident handling, etc. According to the requirements of security and stability maintenance work at important times at all levels, comprehensively investigate the problems of enterprises in comprehensive management work, formulate security and stability maintenance work plans, and carry out investigations at important time nodes such as the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum. Special inspections and hidden danger investigations in the surrounding and prosperous commercial districts, and strive to improve the safety environment of the commercial service industry business premises.












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