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外资企业名称预先核准登记办理流程-   外资企业名称预先核准登记办理流程

  鑫企网小编为大家整理、提供外商投资企业名称预先核准 、外商投资企业(企业集团)名称变更 、外商投资企业名称已核调整的办事指南。欢迎阅读了解!


  一、项目概述 i. project overview1. 项目名称:外商投资企业名称预先核准project name: prior approval of the name of

  foreign-capital enterprise2. 办理窗口:市政务服务中心市工商局窗口service window: window of the municipal administration

  of industry & commerce within the municipal government affairs service

  center3. 承诺时限:0个工作日(申请人须提供名称查重报告)time limit: 0 workday (applicants should provide

  with survey reports on repetition of enterprise name)4. 收费标准:不收费charging standard: free of charge二、法定依据ii. statutory basis1. 《企业名称登记管理规定》;provisions on the administration of enterprise name

  registration;2. 《企业名称登记管理实施办法》;measures for the implementation of administration of

  enterprise name registration3. 《企业登记程序规定》。regulations on the procedures of enterprise registration.三、办理程序 iii. procedures第一步:申请人持相关材料向市政务服务中心工商局窗口提出申请,经受理审查员初审通过,开具《受理通知书》或者《申请材料接收单》;不符合受理条件的,在当场或者5个工作日内一次性告知申请人应当补正的全部材料(出具告知单)。step

  1: the applicant shall submit relevant application materials to the service

  window of the municipal administration of industry & commerce within the

  municipal government affairs service center. having passed through the

  preliminary inspection, the inspector will draw a notification of acceptance or

  a receipt of application materials. for those applications unqualified for

  acceptance, all materials to be supplemented shall be informed to the applicant

  on the spot or within 5 working days (a notification shall be issued).第二步:对申请人申请材料齐全、符合法定形式的,当场作出核准或者驳回申请的决定。step 2: for applications accompanied

  with all materials required and in the statutory form, decisions of approval or

  rejection of them should be made at spot.第三步:在承诺时限内,申请人可以凭《受理通知书》到外资登记窗口领取《外商投资企业名称预先核准通知书》。step 3: in promised time

  limit, the applicant can get notification of alteration of the name of

  foreign-capital enterprise at the foreign-capital enterprise registration window

  with notification of acceptance.四、申请材料 iv. application materials1. 《外商投资企业名称预先核准申请书》application for prior approval of name of foreign-capital

  enterprise2. 指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明certification on the designated representative or jointly

  entrusted agent3. 全体投资人的资格证明复印件copies of qualification certificates of all investors4. 其他有关文件、证件;other relevant documents and certificates;注 :1、本申请书应用黑色或蓝黑色钢笔或签字笔填写,字迹应清楚。note: 1. the application shall be filled in

  with black or blue-black pen or sign pen with neat handwriting.2. 以上文件除标明复印件外,应为原件。originals shall be submitted except for those marked for

  copies.3. 以上文件是外文的,需提交加盖翻译单位公章的中文翻译件。if the above documents are written in a foreign

  language, chinese translation version should be submitted, stamped by the

  related translation organizations.4. 企业申请预先核准的名称(字号)在同行业中是否重复,是否符合《企业名称登记管理规定》第六、七、八条要求。whether the name

  (brand) applied for prior approval is repeated in the industry or is conformity

  with the requirements specified in article 6, 7 and 8 of provisions on the

  administration of enterprise name registration.5. 企业申请在预先核准的名称中冠以“中国”、“中华”、“全国”、“国际”等字样的,需国务院决定。in case an enterprise

  applies for prior approval of a name begun with chinese characters like

  “中国(china)”, “中华(chinese)”, “全国(national)” and “国际(international)” , it shall be

  decided by the state council.6. 企业申请在预先核准的名称中间使用(中国)的,应符合下列条件:外商独资企业或外方控股企业;使用外方出资企业字号;符合无行政区划的条件。in case

  an enterprise applies for prior approval of use of chinese characters 中国(china)

  amid its name, the following requirements shall be met: exclusively

  foreign-owned enterprise or foreign holding enterprise; use name of the foreign

  enterprise which makes contribution; no administrative pision involved.7. 企业申请无行政区划的名称应符合《企业名称登记管理规定实施办法》第十三条规定。in case of application for

  enterprise name without administrative pision, article 13 of measures for the

  implementation of provisions on administration of enterprise name registration

  shall be observed.8. 企业申请预先核准的名称中不使用国民经济行业类别用语表述的,应符合《企业名称登记管理规定实施办法》第十八条规定。in case of

  application for prior approval of enterprise name without expression of national

  economy industry category terms, article 18 of measures for the implementation

  of provisions on administration of enterprise name registration shall be

  observed.9. 企业申请预先核准的名称中的行业表述应代表其主要经营范围,企业名称不应当明示或者暗示有超越其经营范围的业务。industry expression

  in the name applied for prior approval shall represent its business scope and

  the enterprise shall not express or imply its involvement of business beyond its

  business scope.10. 企业申请的名称预先核准和变更核准通知书有效期为6个月,有效期满仍未登记或使用,核准的名称自动失效。prior approval of name

  and notification of alteration approval shall be valid for 6 months, and the

  approved name will lose efficacy automatically if it hasn’t been registered or

  used upon expiration of its validity term.外商投资企业(企业集团)名称变更一、项目概述 i. project overview1. 项目名称:外商投资企业名称变更预先核准project name: prior approval of name alteration of

  foreign-capital enterprise (group)2. 办理窗口:市政务服务中心市工商局窗口service window: window of the municipal administration

  of industry & commerce within the municipal government affairs service

  center3. 承诺时限:0个工作日(申请人须提供名称查重报告)。time limit: 0 workday (applicants should provide

  with survey reports on repetition of enterprise name)4. 收费标准及收费依据:不收费charging standard and basis: free of charge二、法定依据 ii. statutory basis1. 《企业名称登记管理规定》;provisions on the administration of enterprise name

  registration;2. 《企业名称登记管理实施办法》;measures for the implementation of administration of

  enterprise name registration3. 《企业登记程序规定》。regulations on the procedures of enterprise registration.三、办理程序 iii. procedures第一步:申请人持相关材料向市政务服务中心工商局窗口提出申请,经受理审查员初审通过,开具《受理通知书》或者《申请材料接收单》;不符合受理条件的,在当场或者5个工作日内一次性告知申请人应当补正的全部材料(出具告知单)。step

  1: the applicant shall submit relevant application materials to the service

  window of the municipal administration of industry & commerce within the

  municipal government affairs service center. having passed through the

  preliminary inspection, the inspector will draw a notification of acceptance or

  a receipt of application materials. for those applications unqualified for

  acceptance, all materials to be supplemented shall be informed to the applicant

  on the spot or within 5 working days (a notification shall be issued).第二步:对申请人申请材料齐全、符合法定形式的,当场作出核准或者驳回申请的决定。step 2: for applications accompanied

  with all materials required and in the statutory form, decisions of approval or

  rejection of them should be made at spot.第三步:在承诺时限内,申请人可以凭《受理通知书》到外资登记窗口领取《外商投资企业名称变更核准通知书》。step 3: within the time

  limit committed, the applicant can get notification on approval of name

  alteration of foreign-capital enterprise at the foreign-capital enterprises

  registration window with notification of acceptance.第四步:冠省名、国家名或者无行政区划名称须由上级登记机关审批;step 4: the enterprise name begun with the

  province name or country name, or the enterprise name without administrative

  pisions must be approved by the registration authority at a higher level.四、申请材料 iv. application materials1. 《外商投资企业(企业集团)名称变更核准意见书》decision on approval of name alteration of

  foreign-capital enterprise (group)2. 指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明certification on the designated representative or jointly

  entrusted agent3. 加盖企业公章的企业营业执照(集团登记证)复印件copies of enterprise business license (group’s

  registration certificate) stamped with the enterprise’s stamp4. 其他有关文件、证件。other relevant documents and certificates注 :1、本申请书应用黑色或蓝黑色钢笔或签字笔填写,字迹应清楚。note: 1. the application shall be filled in

  with black or blue-black pen or sign pen with neat handwriting.2. 以上文件除标明复印件外,应为原件。originals shall be submitted except for those marked for

  duplicates.3. 以上文件是外文的,需提交加盖翻译单位公章的中文翻译件。if the above documents are written in a foreign

  language, chinese translation version should be submitted, stamped by the

  related translation organizations.4. 《外商投资企业(企业集团)名称变更核准意见书》须加盖企业登记机关印章。the decision on approval of name

  alteration of foreign-capital enterprise (group) must be stamped with the

  enterprise registration authority.外商投资企业名称已核调整一、项目概述 i. project overview1. 项目名称:预先核准企业名称延期(调整、撤销、补发)project name: extension (adjustment, revocation

  or reissuance) of enterprise name prior approval of foreign-capital

  enterprise2. 办理窗口:市政务服务中心市工商局窗口service window: window of the municipal administration

  of industry & commerce within the municipal government affairs service

  center3. 承诺时限:0个工作日(申请人须提供企业名称预先核准通知书time limit: 0 workday (notification on prior

  approval of enterprise name shall be submitted by the applicant)4. 收费标准:不收费charging standard: free of charge二、法定依据 ii. statutory basis1. 《企业名称登记管理规定》provisions on the administration of enterprise name

  registration;2. 《企业名称登记管理实施办法》measures for the implementation of administration of

  enterprise name registration3. 《企业登记程序规定》regulations on the procedures of enterprise registration.三、办理程序 iii. procedures第一步:申请人持相关材料向市政务服务中心工商局窗口提出申请,经受理审查员初审通过,开具《受理通知书》或者《申请材料接收单》;不符合受理条件的,在当场或者5日内一次性告知申请人应当补正的全部材料(出具告知单)。step

  1: the applicant shall submit relevant application materials to the service

  window of the municipal administration of industry & commerce within the

  municipal government affairs service center. having passed through the

  preliminary inspection, the inspector will draw a notification of acceptance or

  a receipt of application materials. for those applications unqualified for

  acceptance, all materials to be supplemented shall be informed to the applicant

  on the spot or within 5 days (a notification shall be issued).


  step 2: for applications accompanied

  with all materials required and in the statutory form, decisions of approval or rejection of them should be made at spot.


  step 3: within the time limit committed, the applicant can get notification on prior approval of enterprise name at the foreign-capital enterprises registration window with notification of acceptance

  .四、申请材料: iv. application materials:

  1. 《外商投资企业名称已核调整申请书》adjustment application of the approved name of

  foreign-capital enterprise

  2. 指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明certification on the designated representative or jointly

  entrusted agent

  3. 《外商投资企业名称预先核准通知书》notification on prior approval of the name of

  foreign-capital enterprise

  4. 其他有关文件、证件。other relevant documents and certificates

  注:1、本申请书应用黑色或蓝黑色钢笔或签字笔填写,字迹应清楚。note: 1. the application shall be filled in

  with black or blue-black pen or sign pen with neat handwriting.

  2. 以上文件除标明复印件外,应为原件。originals shall be submitted except for those marked for

  copies.3. 投资人有正当理由,可以申请《外商投资企业名称预先核准通知书》有效期延期一次(六个月),经延期的《外商投资企业名称预先核准通知书》不得再延期。 the investor can apply for extension of the term of validity of notification on prior approval of the name of foreign-capital enterprise for 6 months with just causes and the extended notification on prior approval of the name of foreign-capital enterprise can not be extended any more.

  4. 《外商投资企业名称预先核准通知书》的延期应当在有效期满前一个月内申请办理,申请延期时需缴回《外商投资企业名称预先核准通知书》原件。

  extension of the term of validity of notification on prior approval of the name of foreign-capital enterprise shall be applied for 1 month before expiration of its term of validity. original notification on prior approval of the name of foreign-capital enterprise shall be handed in when applying for extension.












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