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(2021 年修订版)




















同时在(一), (二), (三), (四))) 中列出的产品,营业场所和仓库设置应满足上述最高要求。仓库经营企业对医疗器械的仓储应当独立,不得与其他企业共用仓库和设施;委托其他经营企业保管的,不得视为共用仓库。







第十条 受理医疗器械经营许可证申请的区食品药品监督管理总局或其直属分支机构,应当自受理之日起30个工作日内对申请材料进行审核,并按照《北京市医疗器械经营质量管理办法》执行。规范>现场检查与评价规则》进行现场检查。需要整改的,经营企业应当在规定的期限内完成整改并提交整改报告,整改时间不计入审查时限。










经营地址、仓库地址、经营范围、经营方式发生变更的,食品药品监督管理部门或者企业住所地直属分支机构应当按照《北京市现场检查评价细则》的要求" 自变更之日起 3 个月内进行现场检查。

第十四条第三类跨辖区设立仓库的企业,应当具有计算机管理系统,具有在营业场所与仓库之间实时传输医疗器械进口、销售、仓储信息的功能。经营产品有温度要求的,应当具备仓库内温湿度在线监测设施设备,并报仓库所在地食品药品监督管理局或者直属分支机构备案《医疗器械经营企业跨行政区域设立仓库表》(见附件6),申请备案、委托保管 流通服务企业除外。备案地食品药品监督管理部门负责)对跨辖区经营企业设立的仓库进行日常监督检查。








第十八条 受托提供仓储配送服务经营企业的仓储经营企业应当向受托方提交书面协议,其中载明受托方质量责任的内容和受托方《医疗器械产品质量责任书》复印件。营业执照”或《第二类医疗器械经营备案证明》,无需提交《医疗器械经营监督管理办法》第八条第五项仓库地址相关材料










第二十二条 经营企业所在地食品药品监督管理总局或其直属分支机构应当在辖区内建立经营企业许可备案档案,完整记录经营企业经营许可备案相关信息。医疗设备。


第二十三条经营企业应当按照《医疗器械经营监督管理办法》和《医疗器械经营监督管理办法》的要求医疗器械公司仓库变更北京,开展医疗器械采购、检验验收、储存、销售、运输、售后服务等工作。 《医疗器械运行质量管理规定》,建立覆盖质量管理全过程的运行管理体系,确保运行条件和运行行为持续满足要求。













第二十五条 委托方在开展医疗器械仓储配送业务前,应当完成《医疗器械经营许可证》或《第二类医疗器械经营备案证》仓库地址变更、“委托仓库地址后标注“受托企业名称“仓储”;境外经营企业接受经营企业在异地经营企业的委托,还应当办理跨经营企业辖区设立仓库的登记。经营企业未完成许可仓库地址变更或跨辖区设立仓库(外地经营企业)的,不得开展医疗器械委托仓储配送业务。授权。










第二十九条经营企业经营的医疗器械发生重大安全质量事故的,应当在24小时内向市食品药品监督管理局报告,同时向食品药品监督管理局报告或其在经营企业所在地的直属分支机构。 .



第三十条区食品药品监督管理局及其直属分支机构按照《北京市食品药品监督管理局关于贯彻落实监督管理条例的指导意见》,对辖内经营企业实施分类分级。 of Classification and Classification of Medical Device Operation Enterprises" Manage and establish an annual medical device operation daily supervision plan in the jurisdiction. Supervise and inspect the implementation of the "Medical Device Operation Quality Management Standards" by operating companies in the jurisdiction; review the annual self-inspection report of the third-class medical device operating companies; supervise the operating companies to regulate their operating behaviors and implement the implementation of the operating companies with bad records Focus on supervision.

Article 31 The Municipal Drug Certification Management Center shall organize and implement annual follow-up inspections on enterprises that provide storage and distribution services, and conduct random inspections on commissioned enterprises. In the follow-up inspection, it is found that the operating conditions of the business enterprise providing storage and distribution services have changed and no longer meet the requirements of the "Medical Device Operation Quality Management Regulations", a conclusion of rectification within a time limit shall be made, and the Medical Device Market pision of the Municipal Food and Drug Administration shall be notified. If an enterprise that provides storage and distribution services fails to carry out rectification in accordance with the regulations, the food and drug regulatory authority shall investigate and deal with it in accordance with Article 54 of the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Device Operation. Before the enterprise that provides storage and distribution services completes the rectification, Do not engage in the business of providing storage and distribution services. The Municipal Food and Drug Administration shall announce and report the situation that operating enterprises shall not engage in the provision of storage and distribution services during the rectification period.


For the business enterprise that has been entrusted, it can resume its related business activities only after the entrusted enterprise resumes providing storage and distribution services, or completes the license and filing changes. The relevant district Food and Drug Administration or its directly affiliated branch should strengthen the During the rectification period, provide storage and distribution service business enterprises and relevant entrusted operation enterprises supervision.

For an operating enterprise that has not been entrusted with storage in accordance with the license and filing during the inspection, the Food and Drug Administration or its directly affiliated branch of the area where the entrusted operating enterprise is located shall investigate and deal with the violations and violations found, and the inspection results Report to the Pharmaceutical Equipment Market pision of the Municipal Food and Drug Administration.

Article 32 For non-conformance items found in the follow-up inspection of an enterprise providing storage and distribution services, the enterprise shall complete rectification within a time limit. The Food and Drug Administration or its sub-bureau directly under the company’s domicile is responsible for reviewing the company’s rectification. If the rectification is not completed within the prescribed time limit or the rectification is not in place, the relevant information and supervision and inspection records shall be reported to the Municipal Food and Drug Administration in a timely manner Medicine Equipment Market Office.


After completing the rectification in accordance with the regulations, the operating enterprise can submit a rectification report to the Medical Equipment Market pision of the Municipal Food and Drug Administration. The Municipal Drug Certification Management Center is responsible for organizing the review of the rectification of the operating companies that provide storage and distribution services, and submits the results of the review to the Drug Market pision of the Municipal Food and Drug Administration. If the requirements are met, an announcement will be issued to resume the provision of storage and distribution. Service business.

For companies that provide storage and distribution services that are found to have major violations of laws and regulations, the Municipal Food and Drug Administration's Drug Market pision, the Municipal Drug Certification Management Center, and the local Food and Drug Administration or directly affiliated branches where the business company is located After the collegial discussion, cancel the indications in the business scope of its "Medical Device Business License" and "Class II Medical Device Business Recording Certificate".

For violations of laws and regulations found in follow-up inspections, the Municipal Drug Certification Management Center shall hand over to the Food and Drug Administration of the region where the operating enterprise is located or directly affiliated branches, and report to the Drug Market pision of the Municipal Food and Drug Administration.


Article 33 In any of the following circumstances, the District Food and Drug Administration or its directly affiliated branch shall strengthen on-site inspections:

(一)The third type of operating enterprise newly opened in the previous year;

(二)Serious problems were found in the supervision and inspection of the previous year;

(三) is subject to administrative penalties for violating relevant laws and regulations;

(四) has not submitted the annual report or found that there is a major quality risk through the review of the annual self-inspection report;

(五)Other situations where the food and drug supervision and administration department believes that the inspection needs to be strengthened.

Article 34 For business enterprises whose complaints, reports, supervision and inspection, or other information shows that there may be major safety hazards or quality risks, the higher-level food and drug supervision and administration department may conduct unannounced inspections.

Article 35 The District Food and Drug Administration and its directly affiliated branches shall establish the supervision and management files of medical device business enterprises in their jurisdictions to record the results of daily supervision and inspection and the investigation and punishment of illegal acts.

Article 36 The Municipal Food and Drug Administration is responsible for organizing and coordinating the investigation and handling of cases of illegal operation of medical devices by operating enterprises across jurisdictions.


Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions

Article 37 The numbering rule of the "Medical Device Business License" is: Beijing X1 Food and Drug Administration License XXXX2XXXX3; the numbering rule of the record number of the "Second Class Medical Device Business Recording Voucher" is: Beijing X1 Food and Drug Administration Equipment Management No. XXXX2XXXX3. Among them: X1 is the abbreviation of the area where the company is located, XXXX2 is the license or filing year, and XXXX3 is the license or filing serial number.

Article 38 For a business enterprise that entrusts storage, its "Medical Device Business Permit" and "Class II Medical Device Business Recording Certificate" must indicate the address of the warehouse that undertakes storage under the "Warehouse Address" (entrusted " Undertake the name of the entrusted enterprise "storage).

Article 39 For the operating companies that have obtained the "Medical Device Business License" or the companies that simultaneously apply for the third-class medical device business license and handle the second-class medical device filing, they must apply for the second-class medical device When filing matters in the "Business Recording Certificate", the application materials that have already been submitted in the permitted matters may not be submitted repeatedly, and on-site inspections are exempted.

For operating companies that change their business premises and warehouse addresses, if they only involve the name change but not the actual address change, or the operating company has reduced its business scope and business methods, it can be exempted from on-site verification, and the license issuing authority should collect it by itself. Review the application materials within 15 working days from the date of the change application, and make a decision to approve or disapprove the change.


For unincorporated retail enterprises that have unified procurement channels and adopt chain operations, there is no need to set up a separate quality person in charge, and the head of quality at the headquarters of the chain company should concurrently assume the role.

Article 40 of the new version of the "Medical Device Classification Catalogue" (After 2021) is implemented, relevant medical device category codes will be adjusted accordingly according to changes.

Article 41 These rules shall come into force on the date of promulgation. Beijing Municipal Food and Drug Administration issued "Beijing Implementation Rules" (Beijing Food and Drug Administration Yaoxi [2014] No. 42), "Beijing "Medical Device Operation Quality Management Regulations" On-site Inspection and Evaluation Rules (Trial)" (Beijing Food Yao Jian [2015] No. 18), "Guidelines for the Supervision of Beijing’s Provision of Medical Device Storage and Distribution Services and Internet Drug Device Distribution Services for Other Production and Operating Enterprises (Trial)" (Jing Shi Yao Jian [2015] No. 26) and The Regulations for the Inspection and Evaluation of the Storage and Transportation Management of Cold Chain Products of Medical Device Operating Enterprises (Beijing Food and Drug Administration [2021] No. 2) shall be repealed at the same time. A six-month transition period is set up for business enterprises involved in Article 16 of the Implementation Rules of the "Beijing City's Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Device Operation".


Attachment: 1.北京 On-site inspection and evaluation rules

2.Medical equipment business license application form

3.The second-class medical device operation record form

4.Medical equipment business license change application form

5.The second-class medical device business record change form

6.Medical device operating enterprise cross-administrative area additional warehouse registration form

7.Medical equipment business license extension application form

8.Medical Device Business License Cancellation Application Form

9.Medical Device Business License Reissuance Application Form

10.Second class medical device business registration certificate supplementary publication

11.Provide storage and distribution service confirmation form for other medical device production and operation enterprises












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